Every year the climate crisis worsens, and the time we have to help the Earth is reduced. With only a few years left until the Point of No Return, the time to consider our personal impact and take action to reduce it is now. So for Earth Day 2024, take a moment to reflect on how you can limit your environmental impact.
Not sure what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint? Keep reading to find Earth Day facts, and learn how you can make a difference this Earth Day. We even have some fun Earth Day activities for the whole family.
What is the theme of Earth Day 2024?
This year’s theme is “Planet vs. Plastic.” The year's theme comes with four goals.
1. Raise awareness of plastic pollution
2. Reduce single-use plastic consumption
3. Demand and end to fast-fashion
4. Invest in technology to reduce plastic use
When is Earth Day 2024?
Earth Day is always April 22. Earth Day 2024 falls on Monday, April 22.
Earth Day facts
1. The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970.
2. US Senator Gaylord Nelson witnessed a massive oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969, prompting him to found Earth Day the following year.
3. While Earth Day originated in the United States in 1990, it became recognized worldwide.
4. It is estimated Earth Day is the largest secular observance globally, with over a billion people participating each year.
5. 10 to 30 percent of a household's carbon footprint comes from food production and transportation.
6. Each person emits an average of 19 tons of greenhouse gases per year, that’s the weight of 12 cars each year.
7. Since the first Earth Day, there has been a 60% worldwide decline in animal species populations.
8. In the last 22 years, the world has experienced 20 of the warmest years on record.
9. The average American generates 4.5 pounds of trash per day.

What to do for Earth Day?
Helping the environment can get a little daunting. After all, one person can’t save the whole world. While you might not be able to reverse climate change all on your own, you can still make a difference. Keep reading to learn what you can do this Earth Day.
Earth Day activities
1. Work from home.
The average American will emit 70 metric tons of CO2 from their commute to work alone. Reduce your environmental impact by working from home for the day. To really make an impact, consider making working from home a habit. If being stuck at home all day sounds like a recipe for disaster, we have a few tips to help you work from home without going crazy.
2. Use green transportation.
If your job won’t allow you to work from home, opt for a form of green transportation. Walking or biking is the best way to reduce your carbon emissions. If your commute is longer than a couple of miles, see if your city offers carpool options or electric transportation.

3. Go paperless.
Each year, offices in the United States use 12.2 trillion sheets of paper. That equates to 50% of all waste from businesses. Reduce the carbon footprint of your office by going paperless. Follow this guide to create a paperless office.
4. Use the dishwasher.
Using a dishwasher saves more water and energy than hand-washing dishes. Even if you only have a few dishes, the dishwasher is the green way to clean.
5. Use less plastic.
After all, this year’s theme is Plastic vs. Planet! Nearly 80% of all plastic ever created still exists today. Switch to reusable options to reduce your plastic consumption.
6. Switch to an eco-friendly business card.
Five hundred thousand trees are cut down each year to produce business cards. That’s enough trees to reach from Los Angeles to Rome. Switch to a more eco-friendly business card to reduce your impact on deforestation.

7. Get involved in your community
Use the Earth Day interactive map to find ways to get involved in your community. With events all around the globe, there are hundreds of ways to get involved.
8. Host a cleanup
Get your entire community involved with a community cleanup. Bring together friends, family, and neighbors to clean up any trash and waste from local parks, roadsides, rivers, and more.
Earth Day activities for kids
9. Learn how to compost.
Composting is an excellent way to reduce how much waste your family is sending to the landfill, and it makes excellent fertilizer! Start composting at your home, or help your children’s school start a composting program.
10. Plant a tree.
One tree provides enough air for three people. So planting even a couple of trees can make a difference. If you don’t have anywhere to plant a tree at your house, look for local volunteer opportunities.
11. Watch a movie.
Watching a movie might not seem like a very good Earth Day activity, but education is an essential part of benefiting our environment. Try an environmental movie this earth day.
12. Donate old toys.
As your children get older, many toys are often thrown away or sit in storage, unused. Don’t let those toys go to waste. Instead, donate them to a local charity. Not only will you keep old toys out of landfills, but you’ll also bring joy to a child in need.
13. Help the bees.
Bees are endangered, and low bee populations are putting our food supply at risk. You can help save the bees by planting bee-friendly plants, building bee houses, reducing pesticide use, and more.
14. Support bird populations.
Bird populations have been declining. Since the 1970’s 29% of the North American bird population has been lost. You can help the birds near your home by building birdhouses, adding bird feeders, garden with native plants, and reducing plastic use.
Get HiHello’s Earth Day 2024 Promotion!
Every little difference counts when it comes to being green, and each paper business card not produced has a positive impact. With that in mind, HiHello is excited to offer 20% off of HiHello Professional, our most popular individual plan, for Earth Day 2024!
How do I upgrade to HiHello Professional for Earth Day?
Save big with promo code EARTHDAY24! Whether you’re a new user or already have a free HiHello account, you can sign up for an annual HiHello Professional or HiHello Professional + Card Scanning plan on our pricing page. If you already have a HiHello account, make sure you log in before upgrading.
Terms and Conditions
- This offer is valid for first-time upgrade users and people currently on a monthly HiHello plan and upgrading to an annual subscription.
- Only annual HiHello Professional and annual HiHello Professional + Card Scanning subscriptions are eligible for the promotion.
- Discounts only apply for the first year of the subscription. Subscriptions will auto-renew at the non-discounted annual price.
- The promo code will expire on Friday, April 26, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for the Earth Day promotion?
HiHello’s Earth Day 2024 promotion is only available for new or first-time upgrade users and people currently on a monthly HiHello plan.
How long is the promo code valid?
The EARTHDAY24 promo code will be live starting Monday, April 22, and expire on Friday, April 26, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
Will this promo code work for a monthly HiHello Professional subscription?
No, the Earth Day promo code will only work for annual HiHello Professional and HiHello Professional (with card scanning) subscriptions.
Learn more about sustainability on the HiHello blog. We cover how to bring sustainability practices into your office, a full sustainability analysis of business cards, and more.
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