Importing Contacts From Google Contacts to HiHello on the Web App

Importing contacts from Google contacts allows you to easily access all of your contacts within the HiHello smart address book. This guide covers how to import contacts from Google to HiHello on the web app.

Importing contacts from Google allows you to easily access all of your contacts on HiHello. This means you can easily organize all of your contacts with the HiHello smart address book using groups, notes, and tags


To import contacts you'll need a HiHello Professional, HiHello Business, or HiHello Enterprise plan, or upgrade through our pricing page. To import Google Contacts to HiHello, start by logging into the HiHello web app, then complete the following steps to set up Google Contact importing:

1. Go to Settings, and under General Settings, click Integrations.

Under settings, click Integrations

2. Click Connect next to Google.

Next to Google click Connect

3. Sign in to your Google account.

Sign into your Google account to connect it to HiHello

4. Click Manage. 

Click Manage to select how contacts sync

5. Toggle on Import Google contacts to HiHello.

Toggle on Import Google Contacts to HiHello

6. Done! Your contacts will appear in about an hour.

Contacts will appear in a group named after your Google account and could take an hour to populate.  

You can also sync contacts from HiHello to Google Contacts on the web. To sync Google Contacts on the HiHello iOS app please view our guide.

Frequently asked questions

How often will my contacts sync?

Contacts will automatically sync every six hours. 

Can I add my HiHello contacts to my phone?

Yes, to add your HiHello contacts to your phone's built-in contact app follow the steps in our guides below:

How to Add HiHello Contacts to Your iPhone

How to Add HiHello Contacts to Your Android Phone

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